MPs laugh as Theresa May tells them she has listened 'very carefully' to what has been said inside and outside the Commons on Brexit
— The Independent (@Independent) 2018年12月10日
梅伊表示,北愛爾蘭邊界保障(backstop)相較於其他關鍵條款,未獲得支持,議員們仍對它存有疑問,因此府方決定推延11日的國會投票。而推延的決定,無疑為英國增添了走向「無協議脫歐」(no deal)的風險,不僅可能替英國經濟帶來災難,也讓脫歐程序陷入前所未有的混亂。梅伊的首相位置更是岌岌可危,不少在野黨議員已醞釀對梅伊提出不信任案,甚至高喊要她下台。
做出推延國會投票的決定後,梅伊今(11)日將與荷蘭總理呂特(Mark Rutte)與德國總理梅克爾(Angela Merkel)會面,目前希望可以挽救脫歐協議的談判。但歐盟理事長圖斯克(Donald Tusk)已堅稱,歐盟不會再與英國重啟談判,且隨著時間演變,歐盟也會為英國可能無協議脫歐做好準備。
I have decided to call #EUCO on #Brexit (Art. 50) on Thursday. We will not renegotiate the deal, including the backstop, but we are ready to discuss how to facilitate UK ratification. As time is running out, we will also discuss our preparedness for a no-deal scenario.
— Donald Tusk (@eucopresident) 2018年12月10日